Get help selecting the best KiwiSaver with low fees, best investment choice, access to a KiwiSaver Research PDF of all KiwiSaver products. Our specialist advice team will create you a free personalised research report of why should make the switch and help you with the forms.

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Independent, research-based KiwiSaver advice

Getting married, buying a house, starting a family, starting a new job or just worried that you’re not getting the best mileage for your money, The Advice Hub can help.

The Advice Hub will show you a report detailing the actual fees, <p-blue>PERFORMANCE RETURNS<p-blue>, benefits, and other essential things to look at when comparing KiwiSaver products – what counts is the performance return after taxes and fees.

Are you stuck with a corporate KiwiSaver provider in a default fund? Or have you been seduced by a marketing campaign promising you the best returns? The Advice Hub is the only financial advisory firm that conducts continuing <p-blue>INDEPENDANT RESEARCH<p-blue> and analysis of the best KiwiSaver providers and funds to help you achieve your financial goals, dreams and aspirations.

The Advice Hub is not affiliated with any KiwiSaver providers, and our only vested interests are your interests.

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