The founder of The Advice Hub and Head of Investment Committee, Dylan Mann, remembers that his first client was a newly divorced mother, who was on the benefit at the time. That same foundation client went on to financial success and her referrals helped build The Advice Hub.
His experience with that first client has set the tone for his business ethic, one which he insists that his staff always remember, "Treat everyone as though they are your most valuable client - because they are."
Mann, himself an internationally experienced financial advisor, adds that the company's ethical decision-making is at the forefront of The Advice Hub's Vision.
"Imagine," he instructs advisors in training, "that your client is sitting on your shoulder. Make every decision based on what they would want you to do - in their name and for their financial stability."
The fact is, that ethical premise leads to strong business growth and to best possible outcomes for clients. The Advice Hub results have proven this.
The Advice Hub believes in building enduring long-term client relationships. They are committed to securing the best possible outcome for their clients today and throughout the phases of their lives, but also to creating inter-generational wealth for their family's future.
If you’re serious about financial stability now and for your future, you’ll want to talk to The Advice Hub today.